“…a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one. This is a great mystery, and I mean in reference to Christ and the Church”
Ephesians 5:31-32
You must be free to marry.
Couples spend a great deal of time preparing for their wedding day: what they will wear, who they will invite, reception venues and so on. In the same way, it is important that you fully understand the meaning of Christian marriage and have given proper time to reflect on it. What foundations will you build your married life on?
As you are freely asking to get married in the Church and you will make sacred vows before God, the Church now asks you to prepare for the sacrament of matrimony or Christian marriage.
If you are not already doing so, by coming as a couple to Sunday Mass. In this way, you are bringing your relationship to God and asking him to deepen and strengthen it. At the same time, you show that your request to receive the sacrament of matrimony is a serious one.
By attending one of the Marriage Care preparation courses available at www.marriagecare.org.uk/marriage-preparation
You will receive a Marriage Care certificate to show that you have completed this preparation. Once you have received it please give it to the priest who is overseeing your marriage paperwork.
Please book on to these sessions by contacting the office.
For Catholics, a currently-dated baptismal certificate from the church where you were baptised. For christened non-Catholics, a copy of your certifcate
A statutory declaration of freedom to marry for each party, notarised by a Commissioner for Oaths (Solicitor). The priest or deacon celebrating your wedding will supply you with a statutory declaration form.
From your local Registry Office: Couples will need to give notice of their marriage to the local Register Office where they live. They must make sure that they do this in very good time. Once notice is given, they will be given a Marriage Schedule in advance of the wedding. This must be given to the priest or deacon as soon as the couple receive it. This can be done either in person or by posting it through the door of Clergy House in a clearly marked envelope.
£50 either in cash or a cheque made payable to “Our Lady of Lourdes church” for marriage paperwork that will involve the Chancery of the diocese, such as a marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic Christian, or a non-baptised person, or a marriage ceremony outside the diocese. This is to cover administration costs for the Diocese of Brentwood.
Just as there are readings at Mass, so too are two or three readings a part of
the wedding service. You will need to choose:
Please choose one or two readers who will read your scripture choices with confidence, sincerity and clarity.
Make sure you provide your readers with a copy of the readings that they will bring and use on the day of your wedding.
Here is a selection of possible texts for you to consider: Scripture readings for Catholic Weddings
Marriage with Mass Marriage without Mass
Introductory Rites Introductory Rites
Rite of Welcome Rite of Welcome
Opening Prayer Opening Prayer
Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Word
First Reading First Reading
Psalm Psalm
(Second Reading) (Second Reading)
Gospel Acclamation Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Gospel
Homily Homily
Wedding Rite Wedding Rite
Introduction Introduction
Questions Questions
Consent Consent
Blessing of the Rings Blessing of the Rings
Exchange of the Rings Exchange of the Rings
General Intercessions General Intercessions
Nuptial Blessing
Liturgy of the Eucharist Concluding Rites
Preface The Lord’s Prayer
Eucharistic Prayer Signing of the Register
Solemn Blessing
Lord’s Prayer
Nuptial Blessing
Prayer after Communion
Concluding Rites
Signing of the Register
Solemn Blessing
Please note that only SACRED MUSIC can be used at weddings. There are no facilities to play recorded or downloaded music.
You will have to consider choosing:
An organ bridal march
Two or three hymns that your family and friends will recognise and sing
Possibly a solo choral piece to be sung by a hired professional singer during the service. This can be arranged by the parish.
The parish can organise an organist for the day of your wedding.
The flower arrangements can be done by Maria Davighi and her team who are responsible for all flower arrangements in the church. For her contact details please contact the parish office. The fee for flower arrangement is £60 and the amount you wish to spend on flowers is up to you.
The use of confetti of any kind is not permitted either inside or outside the church.
You can employ any photographers, but they will only be allowed to stand at designated places within the church. They must remain in one position during the wedding service itself as it can be very distracting for the couple, the priest and the congregation if photographers are roving around. Please make your photographer(s) is aware of this.
Marriage Tribunal paperwork
£50 to cover diocesan administrative costs
Getting Married Abroad
£50 for marriage paperwork if getting married abroad
Fee for the registrar is £100
Organist £250; Soloist £250
Flower arrangement costs £60 and the amount you wish to spend on flowers is up to you.
Donation to Priest or Deacon
A suggested donation would be £300.00
Please make sure that all fees are paid either before or at your wedding rehearsal. Please pay either by
Account Name: | Brentwood Cathedral |
Sort Code: | 40-13-22 |
Account number: | 30 21 74 92 |
In December 1917, at the invitation of Fr O’Grady, the Sisters of Mercy, opened their convent in Cambridge Park, the stables being converted into a temporary Church.
Later, the foundation stone of Our Lady of Lourdes Wanstead was blessed by Arthur Doubleday, the then Bishop of Brentwood, in July 1927.
The Church has been sustained by the people of God here in Wanstead for 100 years. Long may the faith continue to grow and thrive here.
Photos used are copyright and property of Our Lady of Lourdes Wanstead and Greg Gumbrell
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