Parish Groups

The vibrancy of parish life is underpinned by a wide range of groups, all of which make their own special contribution. Many are part of national organisations, enabling the parish to contribute and support the work of the wider church.
Parish Groups

Bereavement Group

The role of the Group is to assist the parish priest in supporting those who have been recently bereaved or are grieving. First contact can be made with the group at the Funeral Service, or through the Parish Office. Monthly meetings are held in the Pastoral Centre, adjoining the Church, to encourage the bereaved to meet and talk with other bereaved families and to share their experiences. Visits can also be arranged when needed.

A book of remembrance, commemorating the names of deceased members of the Parish for the last thirty years, is displayed in the Church and updated every year by a professional calligrapher.

For further information contact: – the Parish Office 020 8989 2074.

Parish Groups


CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish has supported their work for a number of years. In the photograph the Parish Council Chairperson is handing a Cheque to Pat Pugh parish CAFOD rep.

The current CAFOD project is Connect:2 El Salvador which aims to help communities in El Salvador, the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. A typical village is Puentecitos, a community of 1,000 people where three-quarters of homes have no electricity or water and the average family income is just £18 per month. Despite the beautiful landscape, Puentecitos is in one of the poorest regions in El Salvador. The local economy depends on subsistence agriculture – people grow food to survive. Corn and beans are the most popular crops and people lack a varied diet. A quarter of children under five suffer from malnutrition. Education is limited. There is a primary school but older children must walk 2 miles to the secondary school in the nearest big town. A lack of employment opportunities for young people has fuelled migration.

CAFOD and their partner organisations in El Salvador focus on four key areas of development, agriculture, reducing the risk of disasters, HIV and Aids and creating peace. Up-to-date information on how life in Puentecitos is progressing can be found on

For further information on CAFOD contact the Parish rep. Pat Pugh via the Parish Office 8989 2074 or email

Parish Groups

Divine Mercy Group

The group meet on Tuesday evenings in the Pastoral at 7 30pm.

For more information please contact: the Parish Office on 020 8989 2074 or email

Parish Groups

Knights of St Columba

The Knights of St Columba are the largest order for Catholic Laymen in the UK.

The order pursues a range of activities including organising events for young people and supporting organisations, which promote virtue, respect for human life and the welfare of the family. In Brentwood we deliver The Brentwood News, and the Diocesan Directory brought to each Parish by the KSC, likewise the Christmas and Easter Posters. We assist in the organising of Pilgrimages to Aylesford, Bradwell, Walsingham and Lourdes. Also many of our Knights support the Brentwood Children Society.

The Knights support various charities on a local area such as local hospices’ and at national level who provide support to those less fortunate than ourselves – some of our recent things we supported was Wells for Africa which provided water for those who had none, something we all take for granted! It was the Knights that were at the forefront to bring back the Diocesan Youth day at Aylesford with the Brentwood Youth Service and we also support young people to go to the World Youth days and we will again do so for the next one in Spain, as we know the youth of our faith are the future!

The order also works to help with social problems, such as unemployment and poverty. During his visit to the United Kingdom Pope Benedict appealed to the laity to assist in the mission of the Church by becoming more involved in the work of the parishes and our communities.

Membership of the Knights of St Columba provides the opportunity to respond to the Holy Father’s appeal, because the Knights serve Christ by serving others.

For further information on the Knights within the parish, please contact Andrew Burns via the parish office

The Knight’s in Brentwood have a Facebook site – just search “KSC Province 10 Brentwood

Meditation Group

You are invited to step aside from the busy rush of life for one hour in order to enter a space where silence and stillness renews and refreshes the spirit. The contemplative approach to prayer is a large part of the answer to the widespread hunger and search which is present in the world today.

The Group meets on Tuesdays in the Hall of the Pastoral Centre at 10.50 until 11.50.

We would like to welcome new members and you would be helped to meditate if you have not done so before. Just come and see.

Parish Groups

'The Sheila Lovell' Social Club

The Senior Social Club is a vibrant and friendly group for all – women and men – who are over sixty years of age. The club meets on Wednesdays from 1.30pm to 3.00pm in the Pastoral Centre. The basic programme generally consists of a quiz, three games of Bingo, keep fit exercises, dancing, raffle and refreshments. A “Special Event” is held each month, and coach outings are also a feature of our activities.

£1 Weekly or £2 when there is an entertainer

For further information please contact: – the Parish Office 020 8989 2074

The Social Committee

We are most fortunate in Wanstead to have a great diversity of people and talents in our Parish. For many years, the great cry from all sides was the need to have a Parish Centre to enable people to meet socially together and to lay the foundation to build a strong, active and growing community. Now our dreams have come true and we are indeed blessed to have such a fabulous facility a few steps from the Church with the opening of our Pastoral Centre. Now we must get to work ensuring that we do build that strong community and meet socially. Of course in a large parish, that does require a lot of volunteers. It is often said that if many would do a little, then nobody would be overburdened.

The Social and Fundraising Group meet regularly in the Pastoral Centre to plan, discuss or prepare for forthcoming social events. The group is open to all parishioners, and it is not compulsory to help at every event. The group usually draws up a ‘Calendar of Events’ for the year so that there are social events taking place each month and these are always advertised in the newsletter and by posters on the notice boards. This provides a lot of variety for the Parish, but at the same time allows space and flexibility for other Parish groups to host fundraising events. We always need new people and new ideas to help us. Remember, everyone can be involved and there is no special skill apart from a willingness to work together to build a supportive and friendly Parish. If you can help please contact the the Parish Office 020 8989 2074

or email

Parish Groups

Saint Vincent de Paul Group

What is the Saint Vincent de Paul group?

The St Vincent de Paul society ( is an International Christian voluntary organisation. We aim to help anyone in need locally. This involves visiting and befriending. The essence of this work is person to person contact and spending time with people who need some kind of support. We work alongside other conferences within Essex and London. 

Parish Groups

Under Fives Group

Come and join our” Under Fives Group where you will receive a warm welcome. It provides the tea and sympathy needed for young mothers with active offspring! We meet every Tuesday in term time at the Pastoral Centre (next to the Church) from 1pm to 3pm for a cup of tea and a biscuit. We have an array of toys and activities for the children a designated activity table for the older set and the session will conclude with songs and drama. We would love to see you if you feel like a break or meeting other mums.

For further information contact the Parish Office on 8989 2074.

Please do come as you will receive a warm welcome.

Parish Groups

Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS)

Serving young people across Essex and East London; we run events, pilgrimages and retreats inspired…

Wednesday Morning Tea Club

Serving young people across Essex and East London; we run events, pilgrimages and retreats inspired…