Posts by Editor

HRH Prince Philip RIP

The community of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Wanstead extend our sympathy and prayers to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family on the sad news of the death of HRH Prince Philip.
May he rest in peace
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Open Air Mass and Picnic on 27th June at 11.30am.

To celebrate our return to normal, there will be a parish Open Air Mass and Picnic
on 27th June at 11.30am. This will be held at Eton Manor Rugby Club, Nutter Lane,
Wanstead. The Club House and bar will be open after 12.30pm and it would be lovely if you could bring a picnic and stay so that we have the opportunity to gather as a community.

Let’s look forward to getting together

Covid rules permitting

Dedicated Page for details of Live Streamed Masses

We have a new page on the website where each week a direct link to the live Sunday mass will be shared and details of any new videos that have been uploaded to the YouTube Channel. The page can be found at;

Wednesday Morning Mass – Live Streamed

Wednesday’s Morning Mass will be live streamed each week on our YouTube Channel and we will be live from 8.55am.

Lent Course 2021

The Lent course will be run via Zoom this year on Tuesday evenings
at 8pm. The format will be a short film (about 20 minutes) to watch
followed by a discussion. You will need Internet access and an
email to participate. If you are interested in one or all of the
session’s then please email the parish office at:

Please let us know the email you
would like to use to log into the sessions. The films are spiritually nourishing and an excellent accompaniment to our Lenten journey. If you are looking to do something extra for lent this year, then this is a great way to start! The dates and topics for each week are:

  1. THE EXISTENCE OF GOD Tuesday 23 February, 8pm
    Why bother thinking about religion? Five reasons not to believe in God. Arguments for the
    existence of God?
  2. WHO IS JESUS? Tuesday 2 March, 8pm
    He came to bring life to the world. The Saving Death of Jesus. The light of the Resurrection.
  3. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE CHURCH Tuesday 9 March, 8pm
    How the Holy Spirit can change your life. No one gets into heaven alone. Why we need
    signs, symbols and sacraments.
  4. THE GIFT OF FAITH Tuesday 16 March, 8pm
    What is faith? Are Christians just stupid or are there good reasons to believe? How to take a
    step of faith.
  5. FINDING TRUE FREEDOM Tuesday 23 March, 8pm
    Is there such a thing as right and wrong? Where can we find moral guidance? How do you
    discover your true identity?
  6. THE MEANING OF LOVE Tuesday 30 March, 8pm
    What is love? How to love your neighbour. Knowing the love of God.

Ash Wednesday – 17th February

A reminder that Ash Wednesday the first day of Lent is this year 17th
February. Restrictions permitting ashes will be blessed and imposed
during masses on the day will be at 7am 9am and 8pm.

Churches remain open during lockdown

As per the national guidance there are no changes in the Mass Schedule during the national lockdown.

New Year Message from Fr Pat

Parish Office Closed

Please note: The parish office is closed until further notice due to COVID 19 restrictions.

You may contact the presbytery by telephone on 0208 989 2074 or email only.

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Alan

In his pastoral letter for the Feast of the Holy Family 
of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Bishop Alan writes:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we continue to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas.

For many of us the past year has been marked by difficulty and distress. Opportunities for Christmas family gatherings have been very restricted and some of us have unwelcome memories of enduring a pandemic that has yet to run its course.

In his Gospel Saint John reminds us of the necessity of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ – “God so loved the world that He sent His only Son” and that love continues in the midst of human confusion and suffering. Faithful disciples of Christ – the Saints of the Church – are people who witness to the gifts of God even in unpromising times.

All human beings need to meet Christ. In today’s Gospel Simeon and Anna encounter the Christ child and his family. They learn what so many have learned over the centuries; personal knowledge of Jesus brings salvation and peace. Simeon and Anna are moved to praise God as they rejoice in the light and glory of Christ.

In his recent Apostolic Letter about the place of Saint Joseph in the Church Pope Francis speaks of the courage of Joseph in the face of adverse events: “The Holy Family had to face concrete problems like every other family, like so many of our migrant brothers and sisters who, today too, risk their lives to escape misfortune and hunger. In this regard, I can consider Saint Joseph the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.”

It may be that words of encouragement and consolation are difficult to hear this Christmas. During the pandemic we have become acutely aware of the fragility of human life but those who believe in Christ look for the gifts of God which are freely given despite the almost impossible circumstances we can find ourselves in.

In his reading today Saint Paul describes what happens when we allow ourselves to be loved by God. Followers of Christ live out compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Christ’s love clothes us with rich gifts; joy and gratitude find their home within us. Joseph – a pre-eminent follower of Christ – became a true father to his foster son through these virtues.

As we move forward we can thank God for medical workers and many others who care for us when we are ill and whose work has produced vaccines that hold out so much hope. We can be grateful for these gifts of God but Pope Francis encourages us, above all, to ask for “the grace of graces: our own conversion” during the coming New Year.

The Holy Father ends his letter with a short but powerful prayer:–

Blessed Joseph, to us too,

Show yourself a father

And guide us in the path of life.

Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,

And defend us from every evil. Amen

With continued prayers,

Yours in Christ, Mary and Joseph,

+Alan Williams, sm

Bishop of Brentwood