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Christmas Message from Fr Pat

Even though it was Christmas with a difference this year it was celebrated with joyful hope in the parish. Attendance at the 10 masses was lower than usual because of the pandemic but good numbers were present none the less.

It was more contemplative than usual. I hope everyone continues to enjoy the Holy season and celebrate the feast of the Holy Family on Sunday. Let us continue to pray for each other and for family life in our parish. ~ Fr.Pat.

Christmas mass cancellations.

If you have to cancel your Christmas mass reservation please email

Please DO NOT telephone or email the parish office as we currently do not have the staff to deal with cancellations. Thanks

Tier 4 from 20th December

We will enter tier 4 from Midnight – but public Masses are allowed to continue.

Please remember your face coverings, to sanitise your hands on entry and exit of the church and check in on the NHS Track and Trace QR Code.

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Masses – Fully Booked.

All the masses on Christmas Eve/Day are now fully booked.

If you have been unable to book the Bishops of England and Wales have suggested that everyone attend mass at some point during the Christmas Octave which runs from Christmas Eve/Day through until the end of Friday 1st January.

An octave in the Church calendar means that Christmas Day is of such great importance and significance that it is celebrated for eight days! So, in effect, each of those days after Christmas is also Christmas Day – a long and joyful
celebration! It means that there are lots of opportunities to celebrate
Christmas by attending one of the masses that week.

The masses after Christmas Day do not need to be booked.

Wanstead in Tier 3 Covid Restrictions from 16th Dec

Wanstead will enter into Tier 3 of the Covid Restrictions from 00.01 Wednesday 16th December.

Under Tier 3 restrictions places of worship are permitted to stay open for public services so there will be no change to our Mass schedule .

Reflection from Fr Adrian

Update for Altar Servers

Notice to Altar Servers from the Parish MC: It has been some time since we all served at Mass as a team. Due to COVID-19 where possible a small number of Mass MCs have been serving individually. I am exploring the possibility of expanding this to any young person who is eager to serve on their own at a specific Mass possibly on a rota basis depending on numbers. Serving would mean a single server setting and clearing the altar only. A little bit of instruction to ensure COVID-19 compliance would be explained. A plain mask must be worn.

A small number of Masses may be available on Christmas Eve and Day. Parents, please email: to express interest if your young person is eager and willing to serve.

Christmas Masses at Our Lady of Lourdes

The Coronavirus restrictions for churches are continuing, so in order to keep people safe during Christmas and manage the number of people who would like to attend Mass, there will be a booking system for Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  There are eight Masses to choose from and we ask that you choose only one of these Masses.

Christmas Eve; 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm (this Mass will be the Midnight Mass of Christmas).

Christmas Day 7.30am, 9.30am, and 11.30am – No evening Mass on Christmas Day.

This year there will be no mass especially for younger children as in previous years.

If you do not have Internet access then booking may be done by phone on this number  07856937875 on Tuesdays 11am – 1pm and Thursdays 2pm to 4pm .

Please DO NOT call the parish office or use the parish email to make your booking.  This is so that we can manage the number of people expected to reserve a place for Mass and keep all the other parts of our parish running.  If numbers are low for a Mass then we may have to ask you to transfer to another time.

The Bishops of England and Wales have suggested that everyone attend Mass at some point during the Christmas Octave which runs from Christmas Eve/Day through until the end of Friday 1st January.  An octave in the Church calendar means that Christmas Day is of such great importance and significance that it is celebrated for eight days!  So in effect, each of those days after Christmas is also Christmas Day – a long and joyful celebration!  It means that there are lots of opportunities to celebrate Christmas by attending one of the Masses that week.  The Masses after Christmas Day do not need to be booked.

Although Christmas will be very different for us this year, we hope that having a number of Masses to choose from will help us all to keep Our Lord in mind though the Christmas season and to help us remember that he is always with us and caring for us.

Father Pat and Father Adrian

Public Masses resume – 2nd December

The church will be reopening for public masses next Wednesday 2nd December with Mass at 9am.

Video Message from Fr Adrian 14.11.20