Autumn Social Events

WINE TASTING 9th November 8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. approx.  In the parish hall. Join us to taste 7 wines from around the world
presented by an expert from Theatre of Wine, Leytonstone.  Tickets are £28 in advance only by emailing or calling 07977 863362.
Cheese and meat platter with nibbles included in the price.

AUTUMN FAYRE 16th November 7.00 p.m.-9 p.m. and Sunday 17th November 10.00 a.m.-1.30 p.m. Join us over 2 days and
enjoy a range of stalls including crafts, tombola’s, local sellers, bric-a-brac, Christmas gifts and delicious refreshments plus much

Please support us by attending but also by donating for the event if you are able to. We need donations of bottles, raffle prizes,
good quality second-hand goods or maybe you are a star baker and can donate some home baked cakes?

Please note that we cannot accept electrical items/children’s toys/DVDs or CDs.

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